175 research outputs found

    Public Relation és a fizikatanítás

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    Desfile de caballería, durante la Revista militar llevada a cabo el jueves 9 de agosto de 1934, días después de la posesión presidencial de Alfonso López Pumarejo.Las Revistas, desfiles o paradas militares son eventos en los que las distintas instituciones que conforman las Fuerzas Militares marchan o desfilan, en calles, plazas, campos deportivos u otros espacios públicos. En Colombia, estos desfiles se celebran con ocasión de fiestas patrias o eventos políticos y civiles. Gumersindo Cuéllar registró varias de las Revistas militares llevadas a cabo en Bogotá, entre 1928 y 1938

    Többalkotós Sn-Ag-Cu alapú ólommentes forraszanyagok vizsgálata

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    Changes in antioxidant properties of fruit and vegetable concentrates under the effect of vacuum drying

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    During our experiment, we examined changes in the antioxidant capacity and total polyphenol content of 2 types of 65% vegetable juices (carrots, pumpkin) rich in polyphenols, minerals, and retinoids, as well as two kinds of fruit juice concentrates (lemons, oranges) rich in citrus flavonoids. In our studies, the antioxidant/reducing properties of the preparations were measured and compared using TEAC and FRAP methods. Our various analytical measurements found significant differences between the antioxidant capacity values and total polyphenol content of each fruit-vegetable juice concentrate and the same instant powders prepared from them before and after vacuum drying
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